Friday, November 10, 2006

Kid Scooter

Am I the only one who thinks toys like these are a bad idea? The Razor Pocket Mod Bistro Scooter is available at Toys R Us for a mere $150. Features:
  • Can go up to 10 miles on a single charge.
  • Can reach speeds up to 15 MPH (incidentally, that kid isn't wearing the proper helmet for a motorized vehicle).
  • Carrying capacity of up to 220 lbs.
I'm all for giving kids mobility, but let's face it--kids don't have driver's licenses! Not to mention, children are fat enough as it is. Why on earth would you want to encourage their laziness by giving them one of these instead of a normal bicycle?

When your kid gets flattened by a Hummer, don't come crying to the rest of us.


Anonymous said...

No way! I'm going to buy these for all of the kids I know, then recruit them for my scooter gang. The Richard Gears shall ride again! Don't hate...

Unknown said...

Geez. You know, we have warnings on frickin' paper these days because companies are so worried about lawsuits. What's going to happen when the first kid is smushed by an actual vehicle on the road. I agree - no cars for kids.