Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Cherokee Nation Ejects Slave Descendents

Perhaps no other American Indian nation garners as many smirks among other tribes as the Cherokee. The so-called "civilized" tribe has a history of vile behavior that other tribes have frowned upon for more than a century. One of these blunders of Cherokee history is the fact they owned black slaves prior to the civil war.

Okay, so every people has a few skeletons in their closet. But rather than rectify this problematic history, the tribe has instead voted to eject members who are descendants of former slaves belonging to the tribe. How pathetic.

I wonder about Cherokee identity, having never met a member who wasn't actually white.

Yeah, I said it.

In fact, if you ask 10 random white people about their race, you're bound to run into at least one who claims Cherokee ancestry. I wonder how much they paid for their newfound identity? And why weren't the slave descendants given the same option to buy into the tribe like white folk have been doing for decades?

How about if the other Native American Nations hold a vote and decide to eject the Cherokees as a tribe, once and for all? If it's about racial purity, after all, the Cherokee hardly qualify anymore anyway.

[Cherokees Eject Slave Descendents]

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