Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Movie Review: Clerks II

: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Distributing Corporation / The Weinstein Company
Rated: R

GENRE(S): Comedy
WRITTEN BY: Kevin Smith
DIRECTED BY: Kevin Smith
RELEASE DATE: July 21, 2006
RUNNING TIME: 98 minutes

Viewers are once again treated to the bleak New Jersey existence of Dante and Randal as they try to continue their slack lives, this time behind the counter at a fast food joint after the Quick Stop burns down. Jay & Silent Bob are here as well, tossing in their own brand of wicked humor. And though the annoying girlfriend role has been replaced this time, Rosario Dawson only adds to the flavor of the film by being the one actor present with actual skillz.

There is plenty of perverse humor and you can never let it be said that Kevin Smith doesn't like to shock people. Yes, it's a bit vulgar and sophomoric; we giggled all-knowingly as two old ladies ran for the door once Randal started talking about the Donkey Show. And yes, the acting is somewhat unfavorable, with both Dante and Randal sort of spitting their lines like a pukefest, but that's part of the rakish humor that makes Clerks (and now Clerks 2) so charming.

Overall, the underlying story is a warm, heartfelt exercise in tried and true cynicism that anyone under 40 is likely to find entertaining.

There were no real action sequences that demanded this be watched on the big screen. It is definitely, however, worthy of rental if you should miss it in the theater.

Propaganda Sifted: 8/10

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