Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Movie: V for Vendetta (2005)

Maybe P for Pancetta would be a better title?

Perhaps a good Italian dinner would have been much better than a movie that uselessly muses over fascism and political intrigue?

V for Vendetta is a stylistic masterpiece, with decent acting and a strong story line. Yet, it refrains from coming together properly. Much of the problem lies with the convoluted dialog, most of it muffled through the mask of the hero, V. We hate to say it, but Vendetta could have used some considerable dumbing down, especially if it intends to truly speak to the masses in sharing its vision of revolution. The underlying message of the film is that the masses are good and can overthrow a fascist government via explosions and pretty fireworks. Unfortunately, the masses will not understand (or appreciate) most of the dialog in this film.

P for Pancetta. Maybe they shoulda just called it bacon?

Sifted: 6/10

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