Thursday, August 31, 2006

GM wimps out on Survivor

I don't know what's more racist: Survivor deciding to focus on racial competition on its newcoming season, or GM burying its head in the sand and pretending the mere mention of race is worthy of marketing ostracism.

Just to get it all out of the way: How long do you think it will take before the Asians start constructing a space station while the Latinos engage in dancing and knife fights? Hell, maybe an enterprising Latino will become an "illegal alien" and join the white team. Sheesh.

Do we truly think this show will be groundbreaking? It's nothing more than a publicity stunt, and that's the mantra I intend on repeating to myself between mouthfuls of popcorn.

GM is shooting itself in the foot with this one. And by the time the season is over, no one will care one way or another.

Note: Is it just me, or is it difficult to even tell the races apart on the website? Talk about irony.